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A birthday wish!

Time surely flies and with a blink of an eye, I turned 31 today. Bye-bye youth, I will never see you again! But it is okay. Although I am getting older and gaining weight on the side, I am looking forward to many more birthdays to come. There are just so many things to look forward to and to accomplish, however hard they may be.

This year, one of the best decision I made is starting a blog. I have always enjoy reading other people's personal blogs, food blogs and fashion blogs for so long but I never thought I will be having one simply because I don't think I have the right materials or will I be disciplined enough to update them frequently. The most ironic thing is as much as I love interior decorating, I only started reading decorating blogs since the middle of last year. Anyway, much to my own amazement, I managed to update this blog everyday ever since I started it on February 13, two months earlier.

The best thing that comes from blogging is meeting like-minded people. I don't know about the rest of you but I don't seem to have any friends that love interior decorating as much as I do. Many people I know seems to view furniture as utilitarian and not something they can admire as well. With meeting like-minded people through blogging, it leads to building friendships as well. And building friendships through sharing common interest is the greatest thing. In addition, the constant support they gave me through commenting on my post really moved me. A big thanks to all my readers, followers and commenters! You really, really made my day when you post comments and that keeps me going when I feel like a slacker!

As fun as blogging is, there is just one thing that has been bugging me. It is the mysterious readers. I feel like I do not know them at all. So, since today is my birthday, I have a simple wish. I wish that everyone who happen to read this post would come forward and tell me a little bit about themselves. I will be very appreciative if you state your age group( 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, etc), your occupation, how you chance upon this blog, which is your favorite post and why, content suggestions and your website, if you have any. Frequent commenters are welcome to tell me more about themselves, too. I hope it's not too much to ask for! :-)

Thanks for taking the time to read! Have a happy weekend, everyone!


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Write by: AN - Friday, April 15, 2011

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